Since his initiation into the public realm as an up-and-coming NBA player, Kevin Durant has continued to make a positive and lasting impact across the country through his foundation, the Kevin Durant Charity Foundation (KDCF). Many young people, especially at-risk youth in low-income communities, have benefitted from his generosity and dedication to fostering the next generation. Because of this, liquidfish was thrilled to have the opportunity to work on a website project for someone who has brought so much positivity to our country and whose brand extends worldwide.
The primary objectives of this project included highlighting KD’s work through the Foundation, communicating a sense of his personality, presenting the content in an interesting and clear manner, making the site easy to navigate and understand, and using the design to emulate the scale and professionalism of KD’s brand.
Our solution included re-imagining the structure in order to place the KDCF at the forefront and implementing a split-screen homepage interaction that gives equal weight to his career and foundation. The homepage design also features an aerial drone video of the Foundation’s “Build It and They Will Ball” initiative paired with an interactive background element on the opposite side for the content related to his career. As Christopher Lee, Creative Director and lead designer on this project describes,
The homepage concept was built around the idea that Kevin Durant has two focal points: his foundation and career. Neither is more important than the other, so they are both given equal weight in the principal space, which is divided in half diagonally. The black and white images convey a sense of timelessness in relation to KD’s legacy and provide a contrasting backdrop to the colored hover states.
Additionally, the geometric elements are used to draw in the user, add visual texture, and convey a sense of three-dimensionality. The movement within the images on the hover states (as opposed to a static photo alone) allows for increased user interaction and a more memorable experience.
This was a fun and challenging project for everyone involved, and it was exciting to launch something we had put so much thought and creativity into knowing that people from all over the world would see it. We hope you have a few minutes to explore the new KevinDurant.com.
The Fish