The most important part of liquidfish’s year is that we added new, awesome people to our team! 11 (yes, 11!) people joined liquidfish this year:
- Amanda Gary - Social Media Specialist
- Chris Logan - Developer
- Christina Noe - Copywriter
- Christopher Lee - Graphic Designer
- Jen Kubes - Project Manager
- Jon Benson - Graphic Designer
- Jonathan Davis - SEO Specialist
- Katylee Strange - Account Executive
- Maddy Haigh - Executive Assistant
- Matt Winfield - Technical Analyst
- Preston Haddock - Developer

Expanded office space
Our new additions required more space – and fast! We were able to gain access to the entire west side of the second floor of our building. In addition to three new offices, we also added the Whiteboard Room (perfect for brainstorming!) and a Device Lab.

Launched the new liquidfish website
Our responsive site (https://liquid.fish) showcases client work and includes extensive case studies.
Sponsored area events and donated to nonprofits
- Schooner Fall Classic
- Citizens Caring for Children’s Joy 4 Kids Program
- Friends of Multisport

Celebrated birthdays, babies, engagements, ate cupcakes and loved on uber kitties
- We enjoy celebrating birthdays around here! We usually have donuts and always have coffee.
- Three liquidfish employees got engaged this year (Christina, Katylee and Zack)!
- Two liquidfish employees announced pregnancies (Jen and Billy’s wife, Hannah)!
- Uber Kitties stopped by and we all got to hang out with Bronx and Orbit for a little while

Named to the metro 50 (#21 in OKC)
The Metro 50 Award acknowledges both emerging companies and established businesses with substantial histories. To qualify, companies must demonstrate positive growth in revenues; growth in the number of employees; creativity/entrepreneurship; and business development through the expansion of facilities, customer base or markets.

Chosen as the creative agency for the 2015 addy awards
Visit okcaddys.com to see the site, and check back soon to see our ADDYs poster and video!
Celebrated holidays
To celebrate Halloween, the team dressed in costumes and went to Brickopolis – a new entertainment destination in Bricktown. The food was good and the games were great!

We had a company potluck Thanksgiving dinner, and enjoyed a huge spread of food including smoked turkey, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, and several desserts.
Christmas in Chicago
We have just returned from our company Christmas trip in Chicago, where the weather was divine. We enjoyed a scavenger hunt at the Museum of Science and Industry, dinner at Gino’s East (home of the deep dish pizza) and a comedy show at Second City. After the show we crashed at the lovely Silversmith Hotel. Sunday Brunch at Trencherman’s was a highlight for everyone, with its delicious food and drinks. Despite several flight delays, we made it home safe and sound and were all (pretty much) ready for work the next day. Thanks for the memories, Chicago!

Thank you to all of our clients for helping to make 2015 a wonderful year. Without you we wouldn’t get to do any of this. Here’s to 2016!